CTA Winter Potluck
We will be hosting a potluck dinner for current Cherokee Triangle Association members. The dinner will be held inside the Highlands Community Ministries building. Bring a dish and your appetite!
The CTA will be providing the main course, fried chicken. We will also have assorted beverages available, including beer and wine for those 21+. Members who will be attending are to bring a dish to share. If your surname begins with A-M, we ask that you provide a side dish or appetizer. If your surname starts with N-Z, you’ll bring a dessert to share.
We are appreciative in Highlands Community Ministries in letting us use their building to host the event. We encourage all Potluck attendees to also bring a canned food item, hygiene product or other non-perishable item to donate to the HCM food pantry.
In order to get an approximate headcount, we would appreciate if guests who are able to attend send us an RSVP. Emails cherokeetriangle@bellsouth.net or call (502) 459-0256