Annual Member Cocktail Party
After a two year hiatus, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting our Annual CTA Cocktail Party for our members. We are extending a SPECIAL INVITATION to new residents that have not yet joined the Cherokee Triangle Association. It will be a great opportunity to meet some new neighbors and introduce our new Board of Trustees.
The event will take place at CTA member and resident, Nancy Moore’s home (address will be listed on the invite sent out to members). We will have beer, wine and a signature cocktail or two. As well as bites from Wiltshire Pantry. Not to mention, great conversation and time spent connecting with neighbors (old and new).
Current and lifetime members will attend this event free of charge. We encourage new residents of the neighborhood to attend and mingle, as well. We hope that you will consider joining us and becoming a CTA member. If you’re interested in becoming a new member or need to renew your annual membership please fill out a membership application on our website or you can sign up at the door (the night of event).
Please RSVP by Sept. 15th to cherokeetriangle@bellsouth.net, subject line “CTA Cocktail Party RSVP”, so that we can get a good guest count.
Hope to see you there!