Official Neighborhood Meeting Regarding the Development Plan for the former Phoenix Hill Tavern Site

Tuesday, December 15, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Highlands Community Campus – 1228 E. Breckinridge St., corner of Barrett Ave. and E. Breckinridge St.
(Parking is located in the rear of the building; handicapped parking and access is in the front of the building.)

There is another neighborhood meeting regarding the development at the old Phoenix Hill Tavern site. This will be the “official” meeting required as a prerequisite for rezoning, a detailed district development plan, and Bardstown/Baxter Design Review Overlay (“DRO”) filings.

A plan for DRO and pre-application review have been filed with the Division of Planning and Design Services (DPDS) and have been assigned case numbers 15BROD1023 & 15ZONE1068.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Highlands Community Campus located at the comer of Barrett Ave. and E. Breckinridge at 1228 E. Breckinridge St. (Parking is located in the rear of the building; handicapped parking and access is in the front of the building.)

If you cannot attend the meeting but have questions or concerns, please call me, our attorney Bill Bardenwerper at 426-6688, or our land planning and engineering firm representatives Jon Henney or Amin Omidy at 627-8900.